Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5-K, Here I Come!

I am going to run my first 5-K in December. I know, I am crazy. My husband is worried about my back and me not making it, but I am just going to double up on my pills and hit the road. I don't think it should be too bad. I have always wanted to run a race, and I decided that I won't let my back dictate to me anymore. I'm tired of it.

Anyway, I am going to run it with my sister-in-law, who just ran her first marathon with a 9 minute mile average. She's an awesome runner! So she should keep me going.

I guess that means I need to start training. 3.1 miles is not really that much, but I need to prepare a little differently than most people. I need to be mindful of my back and my ankles. Last time (if you remember from my posts) I began to run again, my ankle didn't last more than a mile. It basically fell asleep or something, and it was like carrying a dead weight. So I think a lot of icing will be involved. Wish me luck!

Since I am doing this, I am going to post some training tips for beginners. Trust me, if I can do this, anyone can.

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