Thursday, December 4, 2008

Journal: Confession

I hope your holiday weekend was full of fun and family. Mine was fine, but my workouts suffered. On Thanksgiving Day, I had every intention of working out. I got on my elliptical, and eleven minutes later I was in the shower. I was so antsy that day! I still had a lot to do before making the two hour drive to my aunt's house, and we already had gotten a late start on the day. But I gave myself a pass since it was a holiday.

Then Friday came, and we spent the day grocery shopping, catching up on housework, and putting up some of our Christmas decorations. Saturday we pretty much did the same until my husband's family came over for dinner. Of course I also spent a lot of time hanging out with my little family. It's not often that the three of us get to just hang out. Oh, and we must not forget watching Netflix episodes of The Office on our xbox. And Sunday was Sunday, and I don't usually exercise that day. Needless to say, I got a lot of memorable and fun family time in, but I was a couch potato all weekend.

And just because I wasn't working out didn't mean I was extra cautious about my eating. I ate ok, but I ate a lot. I guess we all deserve a little break every once in a while. I have been busting my bum for months now- working out 6 days a week. But it doesn't make getting back into the routine any easier. And now that it is much later when the sun comes up, it means that even my baby is sleeping in.

See, the later I let it get, the less likely I am to exercise. That's why I was doing so well before. I didn't start my workouts any later than 8:30 AM, so I got 'em done. Now I'm pushing 11 and am so not motivated! Maybe I'm bored with my routine. I can tell other people to mix it up all day long, but then I don't take my own advice. Who knows. All I do know is that I need a good kick in the rear.

So who's going to slap me around and help me get back on track? Were you lazy last weekend, too? I need your words of motivation!


Jen said...

Yes! I was lazy! I need to get my butt into gear too! I've been sick though, so hopefully I'll be feeling the motivation soon!

RR said...

Oh no! Hope you feel better. I dread getting sick this time of year.