Sunday, November 9, 2008

Journal- My Pregnancy

This is me, ten days before my son was born. What a gem.

Ok, all seven of you voted for me to post this entry. So, here it is:

You can take it or leave it, but I feel like I should explain a little about my weird pregnancy and my activity level during. So here's a little background for those interested in getting to know a little about me.

When I got pregnant, I was amazed at the thought that I had a life growing inside of me. I was determined to everything right- from eating clean foods, to moderate exercise, to studing up on brain food for my baby. I had these visions of myself with a cute little belly- which would be gently hovering above my shapely legs in a pair of those cute maternity yoga pants- punching and kicking away in some prenatal exercise class. You know, me in my normal size but with a belly tacked on. Ha!

Then morning sickness hit. The all-day nausea lasted until I was 12 weeks, just in time for Thanksgiving. I was thrilled that I would be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. Before that, I lived on things like Bagels and crackers. All bland food. The nausea, combined with debilitating exhaustion, was enough for me to give up on exercise for a while. I'm sure I could have made more of an effort- many women have said that daily walks helped their fatigue and nausea. But I was too busy moaning on the couch.

Once I finally came out of my first trimester, I was up to working out again. That lasted only a few more weeks. Around 21 weeks is when my mysterious rib pain popped up. Specifically, it was the rib directly under my right breast. My OB suspected my gall bladder and other such things, since at first it only hurt after I ate and was intermittent. After all the tests came up with nothing, she suspected the baby's foot (nope). During that period, I tried to beat the pain to my lame workouts (only 20 minutes on the elliptical), since by noon it would creep up.

By about 25 weeks the pain was constant, and I had to put myself on complete bed rest. If I sat up or stood for longer than a few minutes, the pain was horrendous, and the weight of my belly actually caused my rib to shift in and out of place (sometimes I had to push it back myself). I couldn't drive myself anywhere, so my husband and my mom took turns driving my to my OB appointments. Other than that, I did not leave my house. And I hardly left the recliner that my husband specially rigged up for me. I would get up to get some food, feed the dogs, or whatever, but then it was right back to my chair. Needless to say, I was pretty much inactive my entire pregnancy. However, I did frequently flex my thigh and butt muscles in the chair. How sad is that?? ;)

Our prayers were answered when my water broke spontaneously at 35 weeks. Sweet relief! We were worried that our son's lungs would not be developed enough, but he came out just fine- albeit quite small. And that is the story of my pregnancy.

Hey, you seven, thanks for being the first supporters of my blog! Maybe I will be famous one day, and you can say you knew me when. ;)

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I'm so glad you are not on bed rest anymore. What a horrible time for you.