Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Baby Diet

No no no. This isn't like the diets I was mentioning earlier- you know, the ones I despise. This is the baby diet. A typical day in the baby diet goes like this: bottle, bottle, baby food, graham cracker/juice, bottle, cheerios, baby food, bottle.

You may wonder why I bring this up. Well, listen here: You know how they say that eating frequent, small meals helps keep up your metabolism, therefore aiding in weight loss? Well, my son's diet helps me to do this. Ever since my son started eating finger foods, I have been grazing on them as well. And when he has a bottle of formula, I drink a bottle of water. Doing this has kind of forced me into the small meal diet. I am less hungry at my "main" meals because I am having small snacks in between. You don't have to do this with your baby's snacks - try apples or carrots- but you get the idea. You still consume the same amount of calories, just spread out differently. Who would have thought that our babies would be the example?

1 comment:

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I found that helps me too. We eat every 2 hours, even if it is just a couple of grapes.