Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wii Fit

I got a Wii/Wii Fit for Christmas! What way to add some spice to my exercise life, huh? It is a lot of fun.

For those of you thinking about buying one, I'll tell you a bit about it. First of all, the Wiis are EXTREMELY user-friendly. Even my grandfather had a blast playing it, and he barely knows how to use a computer.

As for the Wii Fit, I think it is great so far. You use your created Mii to keep track of your fitness progress. It takes your weight and BMI when you first sign in, and then tells you whether or not you're overweight (based on BMI). Then you complete a balance challenge. I actually did horribly on my first try. You have to get used to the sensitivity to the board.

Then you can choose between Yoga, Strength, Aerobics, and Balance Training. I have never been big on yoga, but I have always been competitive. And since the board tracks whether or not you're staying balanced, the competitive side of me wants to try each move to see how well I will do. If you are totally unbalanced, you're a Novice, and so on. Some of the exercises are easier than others, and there are different levels of difficulty, so you won't be totally frustrated wih the difficulty level in the beginning. Also, the more minutes you do and the better you perform, the more Training games and levels of difficulty you will unlock. My husband and I enjoy competing with each other.

1 comment:

selloutboy said...

you're right about it spicing your exercise life and life up. Just stay with it. I've had one since April and it's still exciting.

This is a video I just posted yesterday about my own Wii Fit obsession. Thought you might like.