Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Body Tip: Late Snacking

Right now, I am really tempted to snack. My son is in bed and my husband is on a late conference call. I am all alone ::sniff:: and just itching to hit up the pantry. That is why I am going to march my bottom downstairs and brush my teeth. Why? Well, do you know of anything that tastes good right after you brush your teeth? Um, that's a rhetorical question. You should try it, too. And use extra mouthwash so that minty fresh taste lasts until you hit the sheets. (Another snack attack counter-attack is to pop a piece of gum.)

I hereby make this a public pronouncement so that I have someone to answer to. You can ask me later if I really did skip the snack and brush my teeth. And I'm a pretty bad liar.

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